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Currently there are no events scheduled for 2024, but if you're interested in learning more about automation, please get in touch.

Join the Govtech automation forum and be a part of the inner circle to discover what automation can do, as well as any limitations.

Learn about business rules, how you keep in control, and what tangible benefits and ROI you can expect. Share stories, observations, and get answers to any pressing questions you may have direct from the end-users.

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£350k ROI

Typically, a mid-sized Council with 80,000 Chargeable Dwellings, which achieves an online take-up rate in Revenues of 50% in Yr 1, 65% in Yr 2 and reaches a plateau of 80% thereafter will free up a total of around 25 man-years over 5 years, the net value of which is approximately £350,000 after service fees. This is a pure financial justification. Business cases which include the value of work to which freed up resources are reassigned (e.g. Collections) will often show much higher returns on investment.

Currently there are no dates scheduled for 2024, please come back and check soon!

Govtech was 'a company with a mission’... to help us break out of the silo we were in. What we found as we went along was that they are experts in the field in which they practice, Revenues and Benefits automation.

Peter Honeywell, Transformation Architecture Manager, Plymouth City Council
