Tailor webCAPTURE’s service to your outcomes

Putting webCAPTURE at the heart of your channel shift plans, you select what transactions you want to automate up to 80% of the workload.

Our forms and processes enable us to automate both common and complex transactions to deliver your business outcomes. webCAPTURE is tailored to your configuration, delivering a service that meets your criteria, and exceeds automation on the transactions which matter.

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Direct debits

If you’re serious about digital engagement with your customers, one of the easiest and most reliable services to transform is payment by Direct Debit. 32% of our automated transactions last year were DD related. If you want your customers to pay by Direct Debit, you need to make it as easy as possible for them to set up online.

Govtech’s Direct Debit form is both a standalone form, allowing citizens to set up or amend DD instructions, and an embedded addition to a wide variety of our other suite of forms such as our Move-In form or SPD request form. If someone is telling you they’re moving in, that’s the right time to invite them to pay by Direct Debit.

How do we ensure we get it right?

  • We confirm the Sort Code and Account are valid
  • We validate the account to ensure we have the right liable party
  • If you’ve allowed third parties to complete DD instructions, we check the account number supplied is correct for the liable party
  • We ensure your system is configured correctly for compliance with BACS code of practice; making sure such things as your BACS Originator number is configured correctly
  • We provide your customer with a printable copy of their DD Mandate

But what if…

There’s Summonsed Debt?

We only set up DD for Unsummonsed Debt – and if you’d like, we can send you a notice to remind you of the Summonsed Debt.

We offer a variety of payment plans?

Your forms can be configured to offer the same plans you currently offer, 12 or 10 Monthly, Fortnightly, Weekly, Half Yearly. Just let us know.

We’re between Annual Billing & Rollover?

Again, webCAPTURE will determine which billing year to update.

Moves – into, out of and within your authority

This is another high-volume transaction that your staff deal with but is also one of the more complex and time-consuming. Consequently, the automation of processing Moves using our online forms for your authority can provide you with the greatest benefits, freeing staff to focus on other critical tasks such as collection of aged debt.

The business case writes itself, see for yourself!

We know it’s complicated…

Automating these processes was one of our greatest development challenges. Working out the hundreds of potential scenarios and in what order the API’s needed to be run in each variation took us two years. But we did it.

That is why over the last 12 months Govtech have processed over 503,207 moves for our customers. Imagine the saving that represents!

We aim to take everything into account, just as your assessors do.

  • Pre-existing pins
  • Existing Direct Debits
  • Pending benefit credits
  • Pending BACS payments
  • Households splitting up
  • Unoccupied discounts
  • Requests for e-billing
  • Single person discounts
  • Assure intervention on certain accounts or properties

And much more.

For all your customers, but especially those moving into the area, what better way to establish your reputation as a welcoming, modern, efficient authority, than to ensure the online experience is smooth and that the bill produced is accurate and received in an impressive two to three days.

£5m aged debt recovered within 3 years

Find out how Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council used digital automation to successfully channel shift, achieving such lucrative results.

Single person discount

As you’ll know, single person discount (SPD) is the highest volume council tax discount awarded to your citizens. Govtech has produced an easy to complete form that helps in both the application process and the cancellation process. The form captures whether the discount is being applied due to either alone liable party moving into a property, or because a joint liability no longer applies, because someone has left, died, or has become exempt.

Your citizens can also use the form to cancel their discount simply.

Single person discount reviews

We offer a service that supports one-off or rolling reviews of your SPDs. Our service is extremely flexible and can form the foundation of your review process or sit alongside, complimenting and enhancing any existing processes you currently deploy. We have evidence and testimony from customers who have saved themselves several hundreds of thousands of pounds, using our product to conduct SPD reviews.


With the ‘everything digital agenda’, offering e-billing to your customers should be a critical part of your digital transformation journey.

Not only does it help you ‘go digital,’ but in real terms, it saves you pounds and pence by not printing or posting bills. The higher the e-billing sign up is, the greater your savings (obviously).

Not only does Govtech provide an online form for your citizen to request e-billing, but each one of our forms can be configured to offer an invitation to sign up for e-billing.

However, each local authority still has to decide how they can provide secure access for their customers to view a bill. For some it’s via a secure authenticated portal, for others it can be via encrypted mails sending PDF’s.

Govtech can support all these channels, and what better way to encourage uptake, than to ask the question of those customers who are there, in real time, engaging on-line.


Let's start the conversation

Discover the value of channel shift and how webCAPTURE can excel your digital transformation plans.


Plymouth City Council

Transforming digital services to exploit automation in Revs & Bens went from being important, to imperative when the Covid-19 pandemic struck.


City of York Council

A big win for digital transformation, with savings being realised within 3 months and an opportunity to exploit data they had never had access to before.


Wakefield Council

Delivering savings and outcomes by reducing manual intervention and input, resulting in 4,000 hours saved per annum.